Wednesday 11 January 2017

New Bible reading challenge for 2017 and beyond...

Here's a new Bible challenge for you. This web page is your doorway to a dozen different booklets that will help you to read your Bible regularly in the year ahead.

Perhaps you were one of the thousands of young people who read your Bible thirteen times a month in 2013 and fourteen times a month in 2014. These new booklets are slightly different because they don't have a date on them. Each of the booklets challenges you to read your Bible fourteen or fifteen times on a particular topic, and there are twelve topics available. You’ll probably find that you can complete one booklet per month, and therefore use all of the books in just one year, but it’s up to you how often and how much you read at a time. You can also use the booklets in any order. Below is a list of the twelve books available. Simply click on the link to find out more and to download the booklet of your choice. 

If you prefer to have the booklet in French or in Spanish, please follow the Défi Biblique or Reto Bíblico webpage links given on the right hand side of this page.

Who is Jesus and what is He like?

Things Jesus said and did

Old Testament Heroes: Moses and Jeremiah

Old Testament Heroes: Joshua and Gideon

Dare to be Different: Daniel and friends

Tips for everyday life: a letter from James

Change and grow: a letter to the Ephesians

Young people in the Bible
(David, Joseph, Samuel)

Discovering the minor Prophets

How it all began: Christmas

How it all ended: Easter

Letters to the first Christians - this booklet will be available soon

Psalms for the 21st Century - this booklet will be available later in the year