Tuesday 14 May 2024

Discovering God with D, E and F

If you've come here to find the quiet time booklet of characteristics of God that begin with the letters A, B, and C, scroll down a bit and you'll find the download link a few posts before this one.

If you've come here to get the Bible Challenge booklet with characteristics of God that begin with the letters D, E and F, you're in the right place. You can download it by clicking on the photo above or by clicking this link:


The eleven themes in this booklet are:

God is Dependable

God is like a Door

God is like a Doctor

God is our Defender and Deliverer

God is Emmanuel

God is like an Eagle

God is El Olam - the Eternal God

God is like a Fire

God is a Friend

God is Faithful

God is Forgiving

Just a word of explanation: the downloaded file is designed to be printed double sided and then folded to form an A5 size booklet. Then all the pages will be in the right order. (If you can't print it that way, then you'll need to look closely at the page numbers when you put the booklet together, so that it all makes sense.)

If you're a youth group leader or Sunday School teacher who wants to print each worksheet individually for your group, you'll find those 11 individual links in the post before/below this one.

I (Barbara) pray that God will bless you as you take on this new alphabet challenge and discover more in the Bible about what God is like.

Individual encounters with the character of God...

You've come to the right place if you're looking for an individual quiet time paper for the young people on your youth camp.... or if you're leading a children's Bible study or Sunday School class and want to download a worksheet for that.

Each of the links below will take you to one of the 11 devotional studies from the DEF Bible alphabet challenge booklet. Just click to download and print the one you want.

God is Dependable

Jesus is the Door

God is our Defender and Deliverer

God is like a Doctor (Healer)

El Olam - the Eternal God

God is like an Eagle

Emmanuel - God with us

Jesus can be our Friend

God is like an Eagle

God is Faithful

God is Forgiving

Saturday 6 April 2024

Discovering God with ABC

Here is the very first little booklet in our Alphabet Bible Challenge. It's a follow up booklet to an all age church service that was held in Falkirk, Scotland, this weekend.

The booklet shows you how to spend time alone with God and gives you just 9 quiet time outlines so that you can read the Bible for yourself. Each of the nine days will look at a different aspect of what God is like - characteristics that begin with the letters A, B and C. The booklet also has some puzzles and, for younger readers, there are some pictures to colour in.

So, the challenge is to read your Bible 9 times over the next week or two, and to experience in your own life a little more  of who God is.

You can download the booklet by clicking on any of the photos above or below, or by copying this link into your browser:


Note: the downloaded document should be printed double sided in landscape format and folded to form an A5 sized booklet.


Thursday 28 March 2024

The ABC Bible Challenge...

It's been nearly six years since the last time we made some Bible Challenge booklets available for downloading. Back then, the challenge was to read your Bible 15 times a month and to have read in more than 20 different books of the Bible by the end of the year.  Thousands of the booklets were downloaded in three different languages: English, Spanish and French. (The English booklets are still available for download in the posts below this one.)

Now it's time for a new Bible Challenge, and it's called the Alphabet Challenge. It's going to be a journey, an exciting adventure of discovering who God is and what He is like.

The vision began when I and my enthusiastic little dog, a border collie called Maiki, set out to conquer the Trick Dog Alphabet Challenge. We had to come up with a dog trick for each letter of the alphabet. It was a lot of fun and we ended up creating one trick video in English and another in Spanish. (You can see the English video by clicking on the photo above.)

Since then, Maiki and other members of her trick dog team have been making trick videos for every letter of the alphabet. At the time of writing, we've released eleven videos and demonstrated 215 tricks.

Once we started on our journey of creating 26 alphabet videos during 2024, a new Bible idea was also birthed: why not study the nature and character of God, finding attributes of God that begin with the different letters of the alphabet?

The first little booklet, with some of God's characteristics beginning with A, B and C will be released during April as a follow up to a family service on that theme. Other booklets or individual quiet time papers will be released at different times during the year.

Watch this space!