Thursday 15 December 2016

Growing in God - with the Ephesians

When the apostle Paul was travelling as a missionary, he spent a couple of years in a city called Ephesus. The letter to the Ephesians was written later to the Christian believers in that city. It's full of practical advice about how to live for God and grow stronger in our faith.

Click on the picture above to download the booklet.

Discovering the minor prophets

About a third of the books in the Old Testament were written by men we call "prophets" - messengers who spoke to the people on behalf of God. The long books are known as the "major" prophecies and the shorter books are known as the "minor" prophecies. It's not that one group of writings is more important than the other; it's simply that several of the books are much shorter than the others.

This Bible challenge booklet contains 14 readings from several of the shorter prophetic books. Click on the picture above to download the booklet.

Faith for the 21st Century

Back in the early days of the Christian church, James wrote a letter, full of practical tips to help the believers put their faith into action in the world they lived in. James's letter is full of important stuff that is still relevant for us today.

Click on the picture above to download this booklet of 14 readings.

Dare to be Different

At the start of this book, Daniel is just a teenage boy. His three friends are also teenagers, and we see the way that these four young men take a stand in a world that was often hostile to their faith.

This Bible Challenge booklet has fourteen readings that will help you think about what it means to be courageous and dare to be different from the people around you, instead of following the crowd.

Later readings in the Old Testament book of Daniel and New Testament book of Ephesians take a look at what the Bible means when it speaks about "spiritual warfare."

Click on the picture above to download the booklet.